Happy 60 Years of Operation!
In celebration of 60 years of operation, we have collected photos and documents of our years past to bring to you.
A view from the front door. Judging by the models shown, this photo appears to date back to the early 2000s.
Can you identify which models of pushmower, ride-on mower, and snowthrower that are shown here?
A radical change from what was once our parts office dating back to 1998. The function of the space
has changed, as well as the location of the door that leads into service.
For reference, see the support pillar that's jutting out on the right side of both pictures, in addition to
our old and faithful red dolly cart.
News articles sourced from the Stouffville Tribune dating all the way back to January 30th and February 13, 1964. Some of the oldest mentions of the dealership, and the first John Deere Day under the name of Hutchinson Farm Supply.
An oddly skeletal view of our chainsaw bar shelf back when the parts department was being renovated.
Featured is an old printer to the right, an old sign for a parts sale on the left wall (since painted over),
and a hole that was origonally used to pass parts from the parts desk to the shop (seen behind the
wooden frame). See also the red dolly Ol' Faithful, front and center.
Photo taken from the stairs (now ramp) leading up to parts. The photo is dated to February of 1998,
and appears to be taken at the time when the east wall of the showroom was being renovated.
Pictured is the old pop machine, coffee maker, an older model of steel John Deere dump carts, and
a corn planter unit. The random door in the middle appears to be from one of the sales offices,
removed for the aformentioned renovations.
A change of management announcement from April 16th, 1984. Oddly enough, there are still some
familliar faces from here that you may find around the dealership.
An old ad dated to March 13th, 1969. It covers a full page, the only one found so far. It also refers to
the dealership as "Hutchinson's", a name still used in place of the full Hutchinson Farm Supply.
Sometimes, we see tractors made around this time in service, still in use.